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Friday, March 28, 2008

Health Kick Friday - It's all about Water

Put down that fancy looking bottle of exotic H20, because it's not any better than thecontaminated tap water coming out of your faucet. Water are you drinking, you ask? If you have prided yourself on drinking that very expensive water that is touted to have come off the special mountain top, do yourself a favor, go get some water out of your toilet, because it's just as good.

Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Peace Prize for his research on cancer cells. He proved that cancer cells can't survive in a alkaline enviornment. He created these drops that you can put into your water that alkalizes it, but that was 60 years ago. It has virtually gone unnoticed. In this day and age where people are so concerned about how they look on the outside that they have not really looked at the best substance they should be drinking for their body on the inside

For that I turn to some good ole fashion, H20. Boy, is water underrated. What can you buy that is a true investment in your health that doesn't have you going back to your local health food store to buy more of that "Garbage Water".

It's simple, a Water Ionizer. This is a device that alkalizes your tap water up to a ph of 10.0. That is the key abbreviation, ph. ph stands for "Potential of Hydrogen". That is what your body needs to function on a optimal level. Even your doctor will tell you that consuming anything with a ph lower than 7.365 has a negative impression on your body.

Your blood is at a ph level of 7.365, and the body maintains that level at all times. When you eat food that is high in cholesterol the body does not let that waste stay in your blood, it dumps it into your arteries. When you consume water that is high in calcium and lime, the body dumps that into your joints that is how stift joints turns into Arthiritis. All other waste is dumped into every other vital organs, but not your blood. Because your blood is the main facilitator of nutrients, oxygen, and waste clean up, the body had made it priority one
not to trash the blood. In fact, the body will leave you with stiff joints, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excess weight, diabetes, and every other debilitating disease before it lets your body go bad. Because if you blood goes bad, you simply DIE.

I said all of that to say that your cells are bathing in bad fluids. If your fish in the tank got sick, the only real solution would be to change the water. When your fish is back in good health, you would know that was because of putting in better water. See, it's all in the fluids. If your eating bad food and drinking bad water, then your are putting your health into decline even more rapidly. There was a great philosopher that said, "25% of your money goes towards food, and the other 75% goes to your doctor". It's time to be preventative with regards to health, and this has been my 10th year on the cutting edge of that movement. Now on to the star of this entry.

You wanna know if you are drinking good fluids? Take a look at this.

The device he used filters out all of the contaminates in your tap water to 99.9%, and it alkalizes it up to a ph of 10.0, with 9.5 being ideal for human consumption. So I bought the water ionizer from a company called Water for life USA. He had the best price for the est functions. He was one of the only companies that was not part of the (MLM) Multi-Level Marketing, so I was getting a realistic price.

Now, if anyone knows me, knows that I will look at anything from a 3 dimensional standpoint. So I did my research, and found a company out there that was selling Ionizer water. I bought a case of their water, and it came in the same day as the Ionizer. I told the guy I was going to open the box, and do the test against another company that sent me the water. If it did not turn blue, I would be putting it back in the box, and sending it back the same day. I said the same thing to the guy that I bought the case of Ionized 9.5 water from. I was given the same ph drops as that the guy in the youtube link and urged to test it with my tap water and water from other companies, and especially his device.

I was surprised to see that both of them tested dark blue/purple, so I called both of the companies back, to tell them that I would support their cause because the proof is there. Here I am, supporting preventative health. So I was sold! No more water for me from the stores.

Let me say that there is a way that you can get to drink fluids of a ph of 8.5. You can go to Wholefoods, buy $20.00 worth of oranges

Then you can squeeze them yourself using this

And you have made 64oz of 8.5 fluids.

The other way is to live in the topics, and climb your own personal coconut tree, crack it open and drink the water out of it.

Or you can get the Ionizer that looks something like this.

It has some very simple instructions.

You hook it to your faucet, which has a diverter.

And bang. Ionized, Alkalized water.

It makes water at different levels, that is good for all sorts of things like improving your skin, healing wounds faster, cleaning your counter tops of ALL bacteria.

The cost is $1200.00, and it pays for itself in a matter of months. The guy has a layaway plan for those of you that just does not want to shell out $1200.00 in one sitting. If you send him $500.00 he will send you the Ionizer with the ph drop to test your water. If you are not happy with it for any reason in the first 60 days, you can send it back to him for a FULL refund. Now, that is putting your money where your mouth is. If you are interested go to to see much more information that will 100% add more years to your existence on this earth

And those years will be in better health

Live long, loop strong

Pacer Out!


Blogger marcohere said...

This is awesome Brian thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention. BTW I really like your blog. I'm going to buy this water machine, and in fact I'm even inquiring about becoming a dealer. Thanks again. Marco

March 29, 2008 at 7:27 AM

Blogger marcohere said...

o.k. I can't believe this. I just tested the water in my house. I go through a lot of trouble to get these giant 5 gallon containers filled at "The Water Store" with purified water. It's the only water I drink. This is because I live in Arizona, and AZ tap water is notorious for being extremely "hard" i.e. full of calcium, magnesium, and lord knows what else. A simple litmus paper test shows that the tap water is actually ph of about 7.5- slightly "blue" on the paper, slightly alkaline. The ph of the purified water I've been buying and dragging from the store to my home is ph 5.0- very acidic! I'm shocked!

I've read a lot of stuff on Holistic medicine, preventative stuff,etc. One thing you can do is put a piece of litmus paper under your tongue and it will tell you the ph of your saliva, which can then be a small indication of your overall health. Mine came out around ph6.5, slightly acidic. I'm not really surprised because I'm not in the best shape right now. But I'll be curious to see how this changes if I can maintain a healthy diet for 1 week and also use the new water ionizer that I'm going to order.

March 29, 2008 at 7:50 AM

Blogger marcohere said...

one last comment: I said the regular tap water was ph 7.5. It is, about 7.5 or 7.0. But when you filter it with a "Brita" water filter, it suddenly becomes about 6.5. In other words, filtering the crap out of the tap water changes it from blue to yellow. I guess that all the impurities in the water are pushing the ph to the blue level? Oh well.

So apparently this water machine is going to not only filter out impurities but also change the ph of the water. Cool.

April 18, 2008 at 9:00 AM


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