A TRUE return to the table
After 4 years of enjoying my retirement in the sport of table tennis, and enjoying myself racing bike, I have been pulled back in. Or better yet, "I pulled myself back in".
It all started in December when I went to Las Vegas and I was seen shooting instructional videos for my sponsor on one of the outside courts. I was later seen given interviews, and videotaping the highlights of the tournament.
I'm now the featured coach for the small series that I did in Vegas. I did the shot the video, edited it, and the voiced it over. Man, I'm about to take my ass to Hollywood.
Here is the page that will show my clips, and they already has a couple of there.
Then the rumors went around that I was making a comeback, which were untrue at the time. And at the tournament, with me in street clothes I got invited to go back and play a Invitational Tournament in Haiti that I had won 3 times. I looked at Mrs. P and said, "You wanna go back to your home country"?
Look, you wanna know how serious I was about retirement? I let my passport expire, and didn't even make an attempt to wipe the mold off it, look.
Mrs. P. chose Haiti, as it is her home country and she has not been there since she was a kid. So I told Mozart Francois, that I would like to play in the Haiti Masters Invitational Tournament.
I was asked to invite 2 other players to come along, so I chose my boys Rocky and Ragu from Maryland, as I'm good friends with them.
We worked out the deal by Jan 15th, and I got this in the mail soon after, so it's on for Sept 5th-7th
Rocky contacted me and suggest that we have a day that we play a friendship match, and when I told Herold he said it would be a great idea. So Herold went back and made more flyers, and here they are.

"Cot toe might know" (OK, the Dirty South way of saying "Oh, my God". These organizations work fast. It's a little bit scary to be the player that is given "Top Billing", because people will come to play based on my status. So I might have to hit the table pretty hard to keep up my undefeated record at this tournament in 3 years. We'll be going early, to spend 2 days at this resort in Cap-Haitian that is 5 Star to the max, even for International standards.
So the bike racing will have to take a little bit of a back set as I'm putting together a very ambitious table tennis schedule for 2008. All the details are "Top Secret", but I'm gonna knock your socks off.
My first actual event is in March in Cary NC(Suburb of Raleigh) in front of my home crowd since my hometown is 45 minutes away. I officially started my training program 3 weeks ago, and I only need about 6 weeks to work off 4 years of calcification. The great things is I stayed in mediocre form by giving private lessons, and would put down the "Real training Session" a couple of times a month to let the up and comers know that I'm really a "Sleeping Elephant", and to let me stay sleep.
I think the Elephant is up now, but I'm going to transition myself out of racing on the bike a little and see if I can "Pong it Up" once more to get some free trips over the world with the wife.
Of course, I'll keep you posted.
Pacer Out!
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